Saturday, 26 January 2013

Seriously nothing like this would ever go on in N.Z Sport

In a dream, in between myself hopping into the sack with the entire N.Z Women’s Hockey team, I came-up with this fictitious fantasy….….    

1.)    A nameless top N.Z Sportsperson wins a palter at a suburban pub betting big time on a nag ridden someone he was vaguely familiar with, plus another nag. His fortuitous five-figure win had no links at all with his mate who has nothing to do with punting what-so-ever, was never in a position to give him tips, so it was complete luck he won.  

2.)    The same-night half-cut this hypothetical sports person staggers back to a now-dead party he’d been at and involved in a bit of biffo earlier. Then ‘out of his tree’ on a combination of booze and ****** wanders into two bedroom and unprovoked assaults two male flat owners who were in their beds unconscious, resulting in serious facial injuries to one. These guys had nothing to do with the earlier biffo.     

Sorry for boring you with this hypothetical situation.  

It’s clearly fiction, random musings on my behalf.  

On reflection perhaps it would have been more interesting to tell you about ‘me’ and the hockey team?  

It would be wrong for you to place names to anyone that cropped up in my dream-like musings.  

Any fool can tell in the real-world nothing like this would never go on in N.Z Sport and be swept under the carpet.  




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