Monday, 7 October 2013

Christchurch Sporting Administrator charged with Rape.

Currently on trial in Christchurch, are Kenneth John James Seddon-Nicholas, 24, a freezing worker, and Akaporn Kanthasao Bearman, 24, who describes his profession as a graduate and sports coach.  

Both deny four charges involving rape and sexual violation. 

So which sport is Mr Bearman involved in, let me think?  


What’s more he’s the Rugby Administrator at Avonside GIRLS High!     

Note: All parties are presumed innocent.

1 comment:

  1. Whats ya point mate? You trying to blacklist rugby? Or the rugby culture... Akaporns innocent mate i tell ya that... A top bloke.... He's not perfect.... He sure as hell aint no rapists.... Read the full story the chick said she felt disrespected after sex, meaning.... She gave consent but because during sex she must of had a bad buzz n changed her mind.. But then again it seems you just want to make rugby look like a shitty sport!!!!
