Friday, 21 October 2016

Gregor Paul and his fellow journalists are little more than sock puppets of the N.Z Rugby Union

“Statistical reality that professional rugby, so heavily populated by young men, is going to incur such incidents” 

Gregor Paul in his 21st Oct 2016 N.Z Herald article perpetrates the contemptuous crap that comes from the N.Z Rugby Union - that offending by professional rugby players is endemic of society. 

Seriously if males in N.Z acted like professional rugby players we’d be looking at Soweto as a relatively safe holiday destination.  

Proving this claim by Paul and his puppet-masters is a falsehood is easy.

Anyone with access to Google can do so. 

Perhaps Paul should Google ‘google’?       

Let’s compare the conduct of N.Z professional rugby players with say N.Z professional soccer/football players and see what results we get. 

Remembering in just the last few weeks on the rugby side of the ledger we’ve had: 

A player caught wanking in front of kids 

One up for attempted rape

One let-off for a vicious assault 
Of the later Filipo assault Steve Spew Tew also wanted us to believe 'it was a reflection of greater society'.
Let's examine this claim along with NASA faking the moon landings.  
Kiwi soccer players are littered about the globe.  

They earn good money & have the same temptations as say their rugby compatriots.
It's a fair comparison.  

According to fiction writer Gregor Paul and arch-apologist Tew statistically they’ll be in the news for all the wrong reasons at the same level of the bell curve as rugby.   

Yet, the only return on the search “New Zealand footballer arrested” I got were cases of cardiac arrest.

What about “New Zealand soccer player arrested”? 

Nothing in the first four pages, unless you count incidents of overseas players. 

I tried a broad search under Google NZ for “Soccer player drunk” and also struck out. 

A repeat of before, not one return in the first four pages.

Soccer player charged”?


The very same demographic as rugby players, yet not one has come to the attention of not just the New Zealand media, but global media as well.

If one of the Kiwi soccer squad faced criminal charges in the country they played-in professionally this would soon be news back in their homeland.  

Paul and his fellow sycophants would be all over a juicy story like a rabid hyena.   

Probably have a headline ‘See I told you it wasn’t just Rugby Players’  

So why don’t N.Z Journalists report the disturbing level of criminality amongst professional rugby players that is way out of proportion to any other demographic? 

They are pussies. 

Post a highly critical article on rugby and you’ll risk being blacklisted. 

New Zealand journalists like Gregor Paul are scared to tell the truth about New Zealand rugby least their biggest source of ‘click bait’ is pulled from underneath their feet.
Paul himself would be out of the 'stocking filler' rugby book for Christmas business pronto and he knows it.  

What masquerades as investigative journalism in New Zealand end-up being little better than NZRFU media releases. 

Australian coach Michael Cheika isn't afraid to highlight the collusion between the N.Z Herald and N.Z Rugby Union.  
So we end-up with articles that are so wildly inaccurate they actually insult other sportsmen by falsely asserting by default their chosen sport engages in the same sort of criminality as rugby players.

They don’t. 

That’s a fact not fiction.

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