Only a month back Drug Free Sport New Zealand told us its
investigation looking-into Josh Townshend on-line steroid shop, involved rugby
players ‘mostly at the lower levels of sport’.
A wee bit on Josh Townshend’s’ operation, before I address
the crux of this post.
Anyone buying performance enhancing products off his Clenbuterol
site, all 100 odd known customers, knew what they were getting.
They were not naive to this fact, just the belief they
wouldn’t get caught.
Those caught when Townshend went down were not largely what
the N.Z Public think about as purchasers of performance enhancing drugs.
His main clients weren’t Kiwi bodybuilders or cyclists.
The largest recreational demographic were rugby players.
Over half, if media reports are accurate and this story is
constantly evolving.
We were also told, as rugby circles raced into damage
control, that no top players were involved.
Just a bunch of no-name club players we were led to believe.
Wrongly as the individual cases came to light.
We’ve now learnt Clenbuterol clientele included a player from
the female equivalent of The All Blacks (Black Ferns) and two NPC players.
There are hundreds, if not thousands of sites on the net
where anyone can but performance enhancing drugs.
Not just out of the backrooms of Christchurch houses.
Townshend’s operation was a global small-fry.
What are the odds of other Kiwi rugby players purchasing
steroids off an overseas site?
Enough ‘smoke coming from the fire’ already for New Zealand Rugby to
start testing schoolboy players.
Steroid abuse within N.Z rugby is a marketing nightmare.
Who wants to be involved with an athlete/team/sport where cheating
is involved?
Ask U.S Postal Service for the short-sharp-sweet answer to that one.
So just how many drugs cheats are involved in N.Z Rugby?
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