Saturday, 23 March 2013

More piss-heads in N.Z Professional Rugby than any other corporate occupation!

The consequences of their stark statement initially escaped me. 

The paragraph in the N.Z Herald Article entitled ‘Rugby’s battle with booze’ that said: 

“An Instep report says the number of rugby players seeking assistance is higher than that from other corporate sectors” 

Instep get to see New Zealanders of all demographics, professions seeking addiction help. 

Out of all their corp clients Rugby Players are number one pro-rata.  

This is indeed a sad indictment.    

Those on the Rugby gravy train, sycophantic middle-aged supporters point to the pressure of being a professional rugby player and this as being the root cause of the high number of players hitting the bottle and other harder things. 

They can’t be serious.  

Rugby Players have more pressure going on their lives than a local Police Detective? 

Rugby Players have more pressure going on in their lives that a Director of a major Company who earns twice as much as them? 

We also need to remember the Detective & Director doesn't need to remain at the peak of their  fitness to do their job. 

The last people who should be abusing their bodies to such a high degree are sports players.       

And if we wanted to measure pressure in top sport do we see Kiwi golfers or Rowers turning up in the same numbers in our court pages or at Insteps door?   

Rugby can never win the battle against the bottle until the NZRU &, Players Union admits their sport has a problem.  

Presently they are too drunk with their own importance to see the obvious.  


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