Thursday, 22 June 2017

Drunken Kiwi Rugby Fan Allegedly Abuses and Attacks Lions Tour Manager

I have encountered several groups of Lions supporters over the past month.  

Most affable and friendly. 

When it comes to supporting their team they do so through cheery ribald chants. 

In countenance how do All Black supports express their own support? 

Arrogance mixed with boorishness. 

Booing and jeering replaces chanting.  

Insipid pre-match renditions of the national anthem. 

All too often N.Z Rugby fans express their support in a negative fashion. 

This alleged abuse and assault on a John Spencer minding his own business with his wife is little surprise.  

That’s the way we do things here.
It's cringe-worthy, needs to change.  
Learn off The Lions supporters how to act in a positive fashion.
Developing a few chants, learning the words to the anthems would be a start in the right direction.