Sunday, 30 September 2018

Kurow Rugby Club must be the saddest, most dysfunctional club in New Zealand

Kurow is a small town in North Otago that can barely throw together enough fit adult men to form a pool team, let alone, let alone enough to field a single senior men’s rugby squad. 

One thing they are not short of down the Hakataramea is the propensity to get ‘trolleyed’ after a game of rugger.

That’s what men-folk in country football teams do & have done for decades. 
You would have thought the death of a club member in a car accident after one of these prescribed after-matches (2016) would have tempered this practice & brought some sanity to this small sporting club.
Made the local community as whole take-a-look at themselves.
Like fuck!

Here they are, at it again.

This blog features many rugby clubs up & down the country.

All for the wrong reasons I must add.  

Per head of population The Kurow Rugby Club must be the saddest, most dysfunctional club in New Zealand
Richie McCaw should be embarrassed every-time someone uses the sobriquet 'The Kurow Kid'.   



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